His reason is also very strong. Many famous officials in the past dynasties have noticed that officials from the imperial examinations lack experience. This kind of thing is often deceived by local cunning petty officials. Many famous officials have purged the official administration and even directly issued official guides to upcoming local officials called "New Official Rules"

However, there are policies and countermeasures, and the means of petty officials are exhausted. First, it is impossible for officials to be at the peak of their struggle with petty officials, and they can hold them. Officials are either arrogant and unreasonable or old bureaucrats.
Zhu Jinglun said that it is indeed a way to greatly improve the experience level of officials by making officials alternate officials.
However, this method infringes on the interests of the literati class, even if it makes sense, they can’t accept it
"At most, the alternate officials of the imperial court are also donated officials. I have never heard of letting the petty officials do the truth directly. Which petty official is not a sly dog? How can the court official wait from these people?"
The counties sent petitions to the squires to object, but they spoke as petty officials and refused to talk about their own interests under the pretext of the inferiority of petty officials in customs.
Zhu Jinglun laughed. "Now these petty officials may have some bad habits, but I see that many people have studied sages since they abolished their petty officials’ books. I think sages can educate people, don’t you think?"
Since these people play with themselves, Zhu Jinglun is also good at it. Who dares to say that sages can’t educate people? That’s a big mistake.
One by one, stubborn old people suppress their faces but can’t find a chance to refute them at the moment.
"I just can’t let petty officials let these people hold government decrees for generations."
An excited old man shouted fiercely, and a group of people echoed, saying more and more excitedly, as if the country would not be a country in this way.
When their emotions became more and more angry and were about to get out of control, Zhu Jinglun took it easy. These people watched him slowly lower his voice and realized that Zhu Jinglun was going to talk, perhaps to give them an explanation.
"I said let some people hold positions from generation to generation? Now there are no petty officials in Guangdong. They are also scholars like you. Whether their grandchildren can hold official positions depends on other things. I intend to make a charter. In the future, all government officials must pass the exam, just like the imperial examination. The peasant brother can take the exam, the landlord and the squire brother can also take the exam. There are no petty officials after the exam. There are officials and alternate officials in the government, and then there are officials and petty officials. "
After that, Zhu Jinglun waved his hand. "You can discuss it yourself first. We will discuss it after dinner. If you have any suggestions, you are all ears!"
After throwing this group, the old guys are still digesting Zhu Jinglun’s statement. He knows that these people need to discuss with each other now. They will discuss a result and then give it to Zhu Jinglun. They are confident to ask Zhu Jinglun because they have organized tens of thousands of township brave people in the countryside to put pressure on Zhu Jinglun. They will send people to petition them. They have the right to speak.
That’s true. Zhu Jinglun didn’t expect these people to learn to safeguard their own interests so quickly. What pleased him was that these people didn’t act recklessly and didn’t make a siege of the county seat. Otherwise, it would be hard to make a river of blood. Indeed, organized forces are responsible. If it were a group of unorganized refugees, I’m afraid there would have been riots.
Of course, this has something to do with the fact that they are squires and have always had a high political status. They have also petitioned the government. This system is very good. Zhu Jinglun feels it is necessary to maintain it. Whether they will become stronger and more organized because of this, Zhu Jinglun is not worried at all.
It is a basic feature of modern politics to participate in and influence political luck through the organization of interest groups. Since Zhu Jinglun wants to promote the modernization of China society, how can he suppress this organization of interest groups? Some people are more rational and responsible for the organization of old squires. The only thing to worry about is that careerists incite refugees to organize.
These sensible old guys finally worked out a charter, and they made demands
First, Zhu Jinglun can’t choose officials from these petty officials. Their reason is that these people have the habit of cunning petty officials, which will pollute the official atmosphere, but they have made a little concession if they don’t stop these petty officials’ descendants from taking the exam to be officials.
Second, if the government wants to test and draw officials (alternate officials), it must treat them equally, whether they are petty officials or good brothers, they must take the exam as a whole, and they must not become officials without taking the exam, and they require them to supervise and witness the examination.
These people are worried that although the imperial examination in Qing Dynasty is the fairest system in bureaucracy, the Qing Dynasty is somewhat different from other dynasties. One of them is that you can be an official without passing the examination. For example, you really can’t start with the pen-and-paste type of examination. This pen-and-paste type of worker is also handling documents and writing the same as the knife-and-pencil collectors in the yamen, but it is not a petty official. Although there are seven or nine categories, the rapid promotion is reserved for the Qing court.
Obviously, this system is very unfair. The gentry class of Han people have no opinions, but there is nothing they can do. Now they are worried that the descendants of petty officials will have similar characteristics, so they ask everyone to take the exam together. They have great confidence in their brother’s ability to take the exam.
Third, they can’t donate officials when they leave the Guangdong government!
Donating an official is a blow to the merchant class. It is easier for the merchant class to buy an official hat for my brother because of its huge wealth. But most of the time, if the donation officer has an alternate title, it is not money that can solve the problem, but it needs a lot of connections. All the 13 hong merchants are extremely rich and have red tops, but none of them can really get the vacancies through donating officials. It is often the squire’s brother because they have connections in officialdom.
The three articles of association not only blocked the way for old petty officials to become officials, but also blocked the way for them to be given to their brothers, which also suppressed the wealthy businessmen. Who said that these squires were very skilled when they were pedantic and striving for their own strength?
For their request, Zhu Jinglun agreed not only to come, but also for fear that they would go back on their word. Generally, the horse called for a contract certificate for all the squires to sign and sign.
In fact, Zhu Jinglun came to have the idea of selecting some obedient old officials to be officials. But since the squires are opposed to this negotiation method to solve complex political problems, what reason does Zhu Jinglun have to refuse? After the reform, various problems will continue to appear. If all of them can be solved in this peaceful and civilized way, it will greatly reduce unnecessary bloodshed and sacrifice. If Zhu Jinglun is finally allowed to peacefully complete the reform through various consultations, it will be a great praise for his political wisdom. This change will surely go down in the annals of human history as the glorious revolution in Britain.
In addition, these people are willing to discuss with Zhu Jinglun, who is now a separatist party. Let’s not talk about it. They have considered Zhu Jinglun’s idea of controlling Guangdong to a certain extent, or they have seen the weakness of the Qing Dynasty. If they want Zhu Jinglun not to rebel, the Qing court will allow him to stay in this way. Then it is necessary for them to form influence on Zhu Jinglun’s government in their hometown. Even if the court fails, can they influence the government and continue to hold power by surrendering themselves?
Zhu Jinglun thinks that although these squires are still neutral in their attitude towards themselves and the Qing court, the balance has been slightly tilted to Zhu Jinglun’s side, because Zhu Jinglun is in charge of their county officials, so they know the truth very well.
Zhu Jinglun thinks it is necessary to add a weighty weight to their tilting balance, that is, to really let their brothers enter the government at all levels in batches to join their own ruling group to form their own flag vested interests group. A reform will often fail because it has not cultivated a group of vested interests.
Wang Anshi is like this, and so is Zhang Juzheng. Wang Anshi’s political reform was not long ago dominated by a vested interest group. He was defeated by a conservative vested interest group. Zhang Juzheng was a minister and trained a large number of confidants, but these confidants were not the beneficiaries of the new law. They supported Zhang Juzheng instead of the new law. When Zhang Juzheng died, his law would be abolished.
Shang Yang succeeded, because when Shang Yang died, most officials in the DPRK were not old aristocrats, but climbed into the military corps through military exploits. These people were vested interests in the new law, and they naturally wanted to safeguard the new law. Even after Shang Yang died, Shang Yang Law would continue to be implemented by these people.
Zhu Jinglun may not be able to win over the gentry class, but some gentry classes must be transformed into new vested interests in their own reforms and put their efforts into these hands. Zhu Jinglun believes that his reforms are half the battle.
Therefore, after consulting with the squire representatives, he immediately announced that the first alternate official examination would be held before the end of the year, which would be different from the imperial examination. For example, Zhu Jinglun’s reason was that these alternate officials would handle the most specific political work, which was not much different from that of the petty officials in the past. They would be responsible for discipline, money, food, account books, land registration and other work. If they could not even calculate the accounts, how could they do these work?
Therefore, a certain knowledge of mathematics is necessary.
It took Zhu Jinglun such a big turn to slip natural science into the framework of the imperial examination. If these people still want their brother to speak Mandarin through the imperial examination, they must let their brother learn natural science knowledge, otherwise the root method will be compared with that of other classes.
But as soon as the words came out, these old guys immediately jumped up and opposed them, saying that exams have always been based on four or five classics. Which exam would rely on bookkeeping abacus?
This time, Zhu Jinglun has also become difficult to talk about. He hopes that the old forces can remain rational and negotiate to solve the interest problem in the reform, but he has a bottom line.
Immediately waving just signed the word agreement and yelling at them in black and white, they will go back on their word before the ink is dry!
At the same time, tell them that it is not always the court that decides what to take in the imperial examinations in the past dynasties. When will Wang still have the power to decide the major events in the imperial examinations?
This power is his bottom line. He can’t lose it because it is the power to make rules. In the reform, Zhu Jinglun will adopt the system to guide, encourage and even force the transformation of the old forces. Then he must firmly grasp the power to make rules and systems. Isn’t that a reform that was made by new forces? If the old forces make rules to reform, there will be no success.
When the old guys saw Zhu Jinglun angry, they looked at each other and thought that hard top was not the way. Anyway, they were guaranteed a fair exam. They believed that their younger brother’s reading level was far higher than that of other classes. Whether he was a poor peasant brother or a tricky petty official, could he still pass the exam?
If you really don’t pass the exam, then we will try to find out the facts. Who cares what to read? The purpose of reading has never been morality. It has long been divorced from the Confucian goal of self-cultivation and has become a pure examination tool. The only purpose of reading is to be an official, to gain power and to make one’s family shine.
So when Zhu Jinglun went out impatiently, the squires left in twos and threes, and nothing happened. After they were removed, a storm in Xiangyong calmed down.
Soon they found out that Zhu Jinglun had set up a school in every county called County School, and told the petty officials to ask their brother to take the exam in the future.
School teachers are, of course, the first to be trained from the foreign-run normal school in Guangzhou Xuegong, and their teaching materials are directly translated from American textbooks, including mathematics in primary school and world history textbooks in several high schools for the time being.
Zhu Jinglun thinks that there is no way to learn mathematics and a few knowledge directly from primary school for a petty official’s younger brother, but even from high school and even university, they can understand the big deal by rote memorization, just to let them know what the world is like and let them know that there is more than China in this world.
Section three hundred and thirty-five Imperial Examination
It was not until the end of June that the county school was set up in every county in his control area. After the improvement, the county school hired local famous Confucian professors as much as possible. He is still afraid to directly abolish the Four Five Classics and add some natural sciences, which is already a small victory.
After the announcement of the examination rules, it was announced that the fourth and fifth classics were still the main examinations, and the two subjects were independently published, and the scoring system was separate. The classics were 7 points and the arithmetic was 3 points.
After this test comes out, it can be regarded as calming the resentment of an old force. After all, Confucian classics account for the majority, and arithmetic is only 30% heavy, but there are also some dissatisfaction. They feel that if it is reduced to 2 points, they will be more acceptable. If it is really 2 points, they still want to reduce it to 1 point. It is best not to take the test.